Aconcagua Region
This is a sunny and dry region producing Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Carménère.
Aconcagua Valley
Casablanca Valley
San Antonio Valley
Leyda Zone
Atacama Region
Copiapo Valley
Huasco Valley
Austral Region
Cautin Valley
Osorno Valley
Central Valley Region
Curico Valley
Teno Valley
Lontue Valley
Rapel Valley - Wines identified with this region's name are blends of grape from both the Cachapoal Valley and Colchagua Valley.
Cachapoal Valley - The area produces elegant wines with great minerality. Bordeaux-style blends and Carménère are excellent from this northern region. Also known for Syrah.
Colchagua Valley - Nearly a third of Chile's Cabernet Sauvignon comes from this region. Also known for Carménère.
Maipo Valley - Famous for its full-bodied red wines including Cabernet Sauvignon and Carménère.
Maule Valley - Over a quarter of Chile's Cabernet Sauvignon comes from this region. Also a grower of Carménère.
Claro Valley
Loncomilla Valley
Tutuven Valley
Coquimbo Region
Choapa Valley
Elqui Valley
Limari Valley
South Region
Bio Bio Valley
Itata Valley
Malleco Valley