Inaugural Post

Welcome to "Ever Wonder Wine?"  After spending the past few years learning about and enjoying the wonderful world of wine, I wanted a way to share the basic wine knowledge that I've learned.

My journey started with a trip to Northern California. Not a wine tasting trip but just a visit to the Sacramento area. When offered a glass of wine, I chose a red.  The red that was poured for me was from a local winery just outside of Sacramento. The wine was really good.  I asked 'What is this wine?" and was told.  After the second glass, I said "Wow!  This is really good.  What is it?" and was again told.  The next day I reflected back on the wonderful wine that I had enjoyed and had to ask "Tell me again what that wine was?"  The reason I had to ask several times was because it was a varietal that I had never heard of before. That experience opened up my eyes to the world of wines, the different types of wine, the grapes, the regions, the subtle flavors and all that goes with wine.

Initially there were so many questions and I had very few resources to learn from. So, I consider myself 'self taught' with a little help from my friends and family. And, as in all things in life, I am constantly learning and discovering new things about wine.

So, please join me as I periodically share little bits of information about wine. It's been a wonderful journey so far and I'm looking forward to continuing the journey!

